Thanksgiving Day - Launch of Mission SONShine

Mission SONshine sees the light of day

Mission SONshine was launched on 07 October 2012 to co-incide with the Year of Faith.

Foot-soldiers like the catechists, and other link persons from parish cells and associations were invited to form a core team which then became a Think Tank under the leadership of Fr. Magi Murzello. Ideas were encouraged to make families “domestic churches”, and make every association, every parish movement a beacon that shone with the SON. Rather than lamenting and grumbling about lapsed members, the Think Tank planned ways to make our faith more fun and enjoyable. Meetings stressed the need to bring SONshine to all, complementing the directives of the parish priest in a fun and enjoyable manner.

Prior to the launch and to ensure a clear perception, all SCC core group members were invited to a workshop where the methodology and objectives were explained with PowerPoint presentations and a fun get-together which highlighted teamwork and the mission. To ensure participation, all SCCs were requested to submit their ideas for a logo .To inculcate the involvement of all SCCs, an exhibition was arranged at the workshop to exhibit  and share  the logo ideas from each SCC.

To unite all in the project, a special anthem was also prepared for singing at appropriate times.

John3.16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only SON, that whoever believes in HIM should not perish but have eternal life” was made the keystone verse for Mission SONshine.

On 07 October 2012, handmade sunflowers were distributed to all after Mass to share that special SONshine feeling. A beautiful Door of Faith card was printed and distributed to all, encouraging individuals and families to spread SONshine while celebrating the Year of Faith.

To take Mission SONshine forward with the participation of the whole parish, all SCCs were encouraged to provide a definite slot at meetings to capture suggestions and ideas to ensure that the voice of the parish is heard and acted on, both to improve faith and increase participation in a fun and enjoyable way.

All PPC members were encouraged to share ideas and suggestions to make Mission SONshine come alive.

Regular meetings (at least once ever fortnight) by the core team brainstormed a wide range of issues across a broad spectrum of everyday life covering local festivals, environment, unity, health, caregiver needs, etc.

This module is now shared with all those who wish develop such a programme in their parish.