O Antiphons - Unboxing the WOW

UNBOXING the WOW in “O” Antiphons

In our sensational world – outstanding, overjoyed, olé, out-of-this-world, ooh la la!, OMG! are a groovy list of positive words that nurture encouragement on a daily basis . However, the “O” in WOW proclaims a greater poetic thrill and one that the O Antiphons brings alive in a unique period of longing and anticipation.

While the predominant theme of the O Antiphons is messianic, it stresses both the longing and waiting for the Saviour's coming filling us with excitement and the need to unbox his message for the world.

The antiphons are observed from 17 December to 23 December as evening prayer on 24 December is the beginning of the Christmas vigil. Each Antiphon creates an image that foretells the coming of the Saviour. They follow a structure resembling traditional liturgical prayer i.e. each begins with an invocation of the expected Messiah followed by praise of him under one of his particular titles.

The imagery of the antiphons is so rich that in the Middle Ages, they were woven into hymns that were later associated with the entire season of Advent. Today, in addition to appearing in the daily liturgy, they serve as the verse to the Gospel Acclamation: “O Wisdom”, “O Sacred Lord”, “O Flower of Jesse’s Stem”, “O Key of David”, “O Radiant Dawn”, “O King of All Nations”, and the most anticipated and greatest of them all, “O Emmanuel”. Each ends with a petition for God's people, and the cry for Him to "Come", relevant to the title by which he is addressed.

The original Latin titles form an acrostic to reveal a hidden message. The first letter of each phrase added to the next and then reversed spelled Ero Cras, or “I will come tomorrow”. So let us “unbox” his message of  hope, joy, peace and love to all we meet and greet this joyous season and through 2017.